My name is Alexandra Butuceanu and at the moment I live in Derby, UK.

This is a project I started in 2014 and it has been my way of exploring and documenting my experiences as I delved deeper into subjects as consciousness beyond the human form, nature and shamanism.

Now I am working on a book and a short film and because everything you see here is self-financed, it takes me some time to produce everything. If you want to help the project and support my work, you can buy me a coffee or you can just connect with me on Instagram.

Intro & Outro


I just finished putting together this website and I thought, in a fashionable good manner, to make a first post where I can offer some details about the project and how it came to fruition.

Here we go…

It all started after an impactful moment in my life, when I realized what I want to do with the time I have on our dear Planet Earth (it was less dramatic than it sounds). I felt the people around me were being desensitized, either retreating to sarcasm and irony in order to avoid feeling deep emotions, whether they were of sadness or joy. I wanted to have my own place in “space and time”, to track and maintain a sort of natural way of being, where intuition prevails. 

A place to keep my “sanity”. 


Everybody was asking me how I was going to make money out of it. From the immense list of questions, this was the most frequent one. And an important one too, apparently. This is the catalyst that decides whether what you are doing is worth it or not: is it making money, or is it famous?

I always had jobs just as a means to survive, sometimes I was enjoying them, other times

I wasn’t.. My goal was never a career, but I also understand people are different and want different things. What I don’t understand is this pressure from people that there has to be just one way.

The second question was “Why are you so dark and depressed?” and “All we are is dust is such an apocalyptic idea”. It’s open to interpretation, some might see it as sad and apocalyptic, but it doesn’t have anything to do with my perception. That’s just your perception and you are free to view it as you may. These things just come in a natural way, I don’t dictate anything. If things appear that way, maybe there is a reason for it.

These are just some clarifications for the cyborgs with sanitized souls out there. Just to get it out of the system.


The name of the project has changed, and this decision came after I noticed that there were a lot of “brands”, or “products” sharing the same name, “DUST”, from clothing, to the famous Watch Dust movies, cleaning services, bags, hair products etc. The name of the project was given in 2014 when many of these things weren’t around. But it still didn’t feel right. 

At the same time, it is not the most unique word in the world and given the times that we find ourselves in nowadays, when everything is a brand, you can expect this type of situation.

I never gave it too much thought, until a few months ago, when I tried to find the website online and I googled the name.


It doesn’t really matter, at least for me but I wanted to give it a less generic name.

I’ll leave you with some first images I’ve done for it when I had no idea about anything. I still don’t.